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Parent's Playbook: Building Confident Teen Athletes through Self-Acceptance

"Why Self-Acceptance is a Game-Changer." In a world where confidence is key, we're shining a light on the power of embracing yourself as a teen athlete.

We often hear about building confidence in sports, but what about self-acceptance? With social media showcasing everyone's highlight reels, the pressure for our young athletes to measure up is real.

So, how can you help your teen embrace self-acceptance, especially when the going gets tough? It's about flipping the script from negativity to admiration and motivation. Giving a compliment feels way better than judging, right?

Picture this: instead of your teen feeling down about not having a killer slap shot like another athlete, encourage them to say, "Wow, she's got an awesome slap shot. I want mine to look that cool." Instead of comparing, use that admiration as fuel to make a plan and get better.

When jealousy or self-doubt sneak in, encourage your teen to ask themselves: What's behind the jealousy? What can I learn from that person's success? Turn those feelings into a push for improvement.

Getting into the self-acceptance mindset is a journey, and as parents of teen athletes, you're the ones that can really take charge and start to help your athletes develop this. By keeping things positive, turning jealousy into motivation, and asking the right questions, you're giving your athlete the power to shine on and off the field or ice.

Let's break it down with some things you can start doing right now:

  1. **Understanding Self-Acceptance**: Self-acceptance is about recognizing and embracing one's strengths, weaknesses, and individuality without judgment. It's different from confidence, which focuses on belief in one's abilities. Does our self confidence rise when we learn to accept ourselves? Absolutely! 


  1. **Impact of Comparison**: Constant comparison can negatively affect teen athletes' mental health and performance. Studies show that comparison, especially on social media, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and decreased motivation. Limiting their time on social media is helpful… teaching them the tools they need to increase their self-acceptance is the ultimate goal. 


  1. **Shifting Mindset**: To help teen athletes shift from comparison to admiration and motivation, practice mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral techniques. Model positive self-talk and resilience to reinforce this mindset shift.


  1. **Using Admiration as Motivation**: Encourage teen athletes to use admiration for others' achievements as motivation. Identify role models or mentors whose skills inspire them to strive for excellence in their own endeavors.


  1. **Self-Reflection and Learning**: Facilitate self-reflection exercises to explore the root causes of jealousy or self-doubt. Encourage open communication to discuss feelings of insecurity without judgment.


  1. **Parental Role in Fostering Self-Acceptance**: Parents play a crucial role in fostering self-acceptance. Create a supportive environment by actively listening, offering encouragement for effort, and modeling healthy self-acceptance behaviors.


  1. **Empowerment through Self-Acceptance**: Embracing self-acceptance leads to increased confidence, resilience, and enjoyment in sports. Continuously support your teen athlete's journey, celebrate their progress, and reinforce the importance of self-acceptance as a lifelong skill. 


In my programs, athletes are exposed to and taught all of these crucial aspects and more. If you need help or are looking for a mentor or coach for your athlete, please don't hesitate to reach out! I am currently accepting new athletes into my signature program now.


If you're interested in having your team or organization dip their toes into mental skills training and want to check out my book, please contact me for information on bulk pricing.


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