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Mental Skills in Action: How [the same] Athlete Mental Skills Transformed MY Preparation

As a coach and mentor to athletes, I firmly believe in practicing what I preach. Whether it's gearing up for a national training camp or facing a new challenge like speaking on a panel at a Women in Sports Event, the skills I teach my athletes have become invaluable tools in navigating life's twists and turns.


Last summer, I stood before a crowd of 250 athletes and peers at the USA Hockey National Development Training Camp, setting the stage for my journey in leveraging mindset and mental skills training not just for sports but for life. The recent invitation to join the Women in Sports Event hosted by the NHL’s Anaheim Ducks as a panel member was both an honor and a test of these very skills.


The initial rush of excitement at saying yes was quickly followed by the familiar stirrings of doubt and anxiety. Public speaking has always been a challenge for me, and the thought of facing a large audience stirred up old fears. Yet, because I've cultivated my "mental muscles" through consistent practice, I found myself approaching the opportunity with enthusiasm rather than trepidation.


What makes these skills truly transformative is their applicability beyond the realm of sports. They become life skills that shape how we handle adversity, uncertainty, and pressure in any setting. The Women in Sports panel wasn't just about sharing insights into my profession or experiences; it was about embodying resilience and confidence in the face of challenges.


The days leading up to the panel were a whirlwind, compounded by the fact that it coincided with my daughter's 3rd birthday celebration. Balancing work commitments, family responsibilities, and personal well-being required a strategic approach akin to an athlete managing a hectic schedule during a competition season.


My preparation routine mirrored the strategies I teach my athletes:


Morning Routine:

- Meditation or tapping

- Power statements and gratitude practice

- Visualization of success

- Reading for mental escape

- Physical exercise



- Repeat meditation or tapping

- Visualization reinforcement

- Continued mental rejuvenation through reading



- Gratitude reflection

- Nighttime hypnosis or visualization for restful sleep


Throughout the day, I employed techniques like deep breathing, cognitive restructuring, and task organization to maintain focus and manage stress. Just as athletes train diligently to perform at their peak, I harnessed these tools to stay centered and confident amidst the chaos.


The panel itself was a testament to the power of mindset and preparation. Rather than succumbing to nerves, I embraced the opportunity to share my journey and insights, connecting with fellow panelists and the audience with authenticity and poise.


In the end, the experience reinforced a simple truth: the skills we cultivate are not confined to specific arenas of life but serve as pillars of strength and adaptability in all endeavors. Whether facing a packed auditorium or orchestrating a birthday celebration, the discipline of mindset training paves the way for success and fulfillment.


As I reflect on this whirlwind of events, I'm reminded that every challenge is an opportunity to grow, learn, and inspire others to do the same. By embracing a mindset of resilience, continuous improvement, and gratitude, we can navigate life's complexities with grace and determination. So, here's to embracing challenges as catalysts for greatness and to empowering others to do the same, one mindset shift at a time.


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