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Nurturing the Coach (and Parent!): Strategies to Combat Burnout and Recharge

Coaching is an exhilarating yet demanding role, requiring passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to helping athletes succeed both on and off the playing surface. However, amidst the whirlwind of competitions, practices, and the constant drive for improvement, coaches often find themselves teetering on the edge of burnout. Recognizing and addressing this challenge is crucial not only for the coach's well-being but also for maintaining a high level of performance and impact in their role, and the example they set for their athletes.


As a mental skills coach specializing in empowering athletes and coaches alike, I recently received a question in my FB group addressing burnout among coaches. It's a prevalent issue that deserves attention, which is why I want to delve deeper into strategies to combat burnout and recharge effectively. I feel this also 100% applies to parenting as well, so if you are reading this and you are not a coach but a parent, know that these strategies can benefit you in nurturing your own well-being and modeling self-care for the student-athletes you are raising.


Pause and Reflect


The first step in combating burnout is to pause, acknowledge, and reflect on your current situation. Take inventory of where you are in your coaching journey. Is the season over, or do you have a brief hiatus coming up? If possible, allocate at least a week to disconnect from coaching-related activities entirely. This break is not a luxury but a necessity for recharging your mental and emotional batteries.


It's common to feel indispensable, believing that everything hinges on your presence. However, challenging this mindset is crucial. Ask yourself honestly if certain tasks can be delegated to assistant coaches or other trusted individuals. Giving yourself permission to step back not only relieves immediate pressure but also sets a precedent for self-care within your coaching environment.


Embrace Extended Breaks


Beyond short respites, consider the value of more extended breaks. Just as I suggest for athletes, coaches should also aim for a four-week period where coaching responsibilities take a backseat. This might seem daunting, but it's an investment in your long-term well-being and effectiveness as a coach. Moreover, leading by example in prioritizing self-care (resting the mind and body), sends a powerful message to your athletes and colleagues about the importance of balance and rejuvenation.


Establish a Morning Routine


Incorporating a consistent morning routine can work wonders in setting a positive tone for the day. Begin with mindfulness practices such as deep breathing or guided meditation using apps designed for relaxation. Follow this with affirmations that reinforce your strengths and resilience as a coach. I have personally been loving Tapping which is a combination of both. Visualization exercises and gratitude journaling further cultivate a mindset of abundance and positivity.


Additionally, setting a daily intention—one focused on growth, connection, or personal fulfillment—can provide direction and purpose. Finally, engage with uplifting content through reading inspirational books or listening to motivational podcasts. These simple yet impactful rituals take only a few minutes but yield substantial benefits in nurturing your mental and emotional well-being.


Feedback and Progress


As you integrate these strategies into your routine, monitor their impact on your overall well-being and coaching effectiveness. Keep a journal or use feedback from trusted peers and mentors to assess progress and make necessary adjustments. Remember, combating burnout is an ongoing journey that requires self-awareness, self-compassion, and a commitment to prioritizing your well-being.


In conclusion, addressing coaching burnout is not a sign of weakness but a testament to your dedication to sustainable excellence. By implementing strategic breaks, establishing nurturing routines, and fostering a culture of well-being within your coaching community, you pave the way for continued growth, impact, and fulfillment in your coaching journey. 


Try these tips and let me know how you feel! Send me an email at [email protected]


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