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Building Confidence in Your Teen Athlete: A Journey, Not a Destiny

Confidence is a fundamental aspect of your young athlete's journey, but where does it come from? It's a question that often preoccupies the minds of parents and athletes alike. Sometimes, it may appear that certain individuals are just naturally more confident, whether they're on the playing field or navigating life. However, I'm here to tell you that confidence is not a predetermined trait, and those who seem less confident are not condemned to remain that way.


I firmly believe that confidence is not an innate quality but something that is crafted over time. It's constructed through experiences, and there are four key elements in which it is built:


**1. Trial and Error:** Confidence grows when your teen athlete is willing to step into the unknown, make mistakes, and learn from them. This requires a growth mindset, the ability to find positives and opportunities for growth in every situation, knowing that everything is ultimately working in their favor.


**2. Getting Back Up:** True confidence means having the resilience to rise when they're knocked down, whether figuratively or even literally on the field. Remember, you only truly fail when you decide to quit.


**3. Pushing Past the Comfort Zone:** It's about stretching beyond their boundaries and embracing new challenges, despite the fear of the unknown. Everything is scary the first time you try it, but if we can learn to push through the 10 seconds of discomfort and do it anyway, we can discover new sports we love, rides we can't wait to go on over and over again, and new favorite dishes, all of which far outweigh the brief, scary stories our minds create.


**4. Having the Right Tools and Skills:** Confidence is not a solo journey. It's about equipping your teen athletes with the skills and knowledge to navigate the ups and downs of their sport and life. Confidence isn't about eliminating adversity; that's going to be there no matter what. What confidence is about is how you get through that adversity. With the right tools, skills, techniques, and practices, we can all manage emotions and mental blocks in a way that not only builds confidence but improves performance as well.


While some individuals may naturally possess more courage or a greater willingness to try new things, it doesn't mean that those who don't are forever destined to lack confidence. The good news is that confidence can be nurtured, cultivated, and developed, and there are tools available to help those who need them.


So, as parents, if you're seeking a mentor to help your teen athlete tap into their full potential, consider reaching out. Let's have a conversation and see if I'm the right fit to guide them on their journey toward greater confidence and success.


Remember, confidence is not a gift; it's a skill. And like any skill, it can be honed and polished. Thank you for joining me today, and I look forward to helping your teen athlete build the confidence they need to excel in both sports and life.


As a parent, supporting your athlete in their sports and their mental health is also a journey. And I want to make sure you have all the tools you need to do that. That's why for Black Friday, I'm offering 3 days of deals, and 1 special deal specifically for parents. You can check out the "Understanding Your Athlete Series" and upgrade to a 1 on 1 directly with me, so we can talk about exactly how you can support your athlete. Learn more here:


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