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Mastering Effort and Attitude: The Keys to Athletic Performance

As high-achieving athletes, we often strive to give 100% effort in every performance. However, this mindset can unknowingly become a source of stress when we don't have 100% to give. In this blog post, we'll explore two essential elements that athletes always have control over: effort and attitude. By understanding how to manage these factors, we can effectively reduce stress, prevent burnout, and enhance our overall performance.


Effort: Giving What You Have Available Today 

One crucial aspect of athletic performance is recognizing that our effort can vary from day to day. Instead of pressuring ourselves to always give 100%, a more sustainable approach is to ask: "What percentage do I have to give today?" By assessing our energy levels, physical condition, and other factors, we can tailor our effort to what is achievable on that particular day. Embracing this concept enables us to manage stress and avoid burnout.


Attitude: Harnessing the Power of Thought 

While we may not be able to control the actions or words of others, we have full control over our attitude and thoughts. Our mindset during moments of performance can make all the difference. Rather than letting negative thoughts hinder our progress, we can choose to stay focused and resilient. Cheering on our teammates not only boosts their morale but also helps maintain our positive attitude. Science even supports the impact of positive phrases on our mood and mindset.


The Power of Adjusting Measurements of Success: 

To truly excel in our athletic pursuits, it's vital to adjust our measurements of success. Recognizing that some factors are beyond our control, such as a coach's decision, allows us to shift our focus to what we can control. Our next thought and subsequent actions become essential tools in maintaining our composure and mental clarity. Whether we're benched or called back into the game, choosing resilience and a positive attitude greatly influences our performance.


Conclusion: Effort and attitude are two powerful components that athletes always have control over. By understanding that our effort can vary and that our thoughts shape our performance, we can manage stress effectively and prevent burnout. Adjusting our measurements of success to focus on the controllable elements empowers us to navigate any situation with resilience. Remember, success is not solely determined by the final score, but by the growth and development we achieve along the way.


Call to Action: Are you ready to enhance your athletic performance and develop a sustainable and fulfilling approach? Join my Mental Muscles Performance Program, a vibrant community of athletes actively learning about measurements of success and leveraging them to their advantage. Send me an email at [email protected], to see if it's the perfect fit for you or the athlete in your life. Together, we'll create a pathway to reaching your athletic goals and building unwavering confidence every day. 


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