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Motivating Teen Athletes: Tips for Achieving Goals Outside of Practice

Today, we'll delve into a topic that resonates with many parents and coaches – motivating teen athletes to actively pursue their goals outside of regular practice. This insightful discussion stems from a concerned parent's email, highlighting the challenges they face with their fourteen-year-old daughter's reluctance to invest additional time in honing her skills. Let's explore effective tips and strategies to inspire young athletes to go beyond merely setting goals and truly work towards achieving them.


Setting Meaningful Goals:

The first hurdle many athletes encounter is not the goal-setting itself but the lack of a clear plan to achieve those goals. To address this, it's crucial to guide teens in setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals. Here are some general guidelines:


  1.   Identify Specific Goals: Encourage athletes to pinpoint precisely what they want to achieve. The more specific the goal, the easier it becomes to create a plan.


  1.   Establish a Baseline: Assessing their current skill level provides a starting point for improvement. Knowing where they are helps in determining where they want to be.


  1. Realistic Timeline: Guide them in setting a realistic timeline for achieving their goals. Unrealistic expectations can lead to frustration and demotivation.


  1. Break Down into Smaller Steps: Create smaller, achievable steps that serve as milestones along the way. This enables progress tracking and boosts confidence.


  1. Celebrate Small Successes: Acknowledge and celebrate each accomplishment, no matter how minor. Positive reinforcement is crucial for sustained motivation.


  1. Consistent Evaluation and Adjustments: Regularly evaluate achievements and be open to adjusting the plan if necessary. Flexibility ensures adaptability in the face of challenges.


  1. Build a Support System: Emphasize the importance of having a reliable support system, whether it's coaches, peers, or family members. Support becomes crucial during challenging times.


  1. Create a Motivational Theme: Encourage them to choose a mantra or word as a theme for the year, serving as a constant reminder of their intentions and keeping motivation high.


Implementing the Plan:

Once goals are set, the focus shifts to the practical aspect of implementing the plan. Here are some actionable steps:


  1. Plan of Action: Work with athletes initially to develop a plan of action. As they become more adept, they can create and follow their plans independently.


  1. Remind of Long-Term Goals: When motivation wanes, remind them of their overarching long-term goals. This can reignite their passion and commitment.


  1. Quality over Quantity: Stress the importance of quality practice over quantity. Short, focused sessions can be more effective than lengthy, unfocused ones.


  1. Focus on One Thing at a Time: Avoid overwhelming athletes by breaking down complex skills. Focus on one aspect during each training session, ensuring a more manageable and successful approach.


  1. Incorporate into Calendar: Adding practice sessions and other commitments to a calendar makes them tangible goals. It simplifies the process and fosters a sense of accomplishment.


  1. Include Social Outings: Remind athletes to include social time in their schedule. Balancing sports and social activities is vital for overall well-being.


Parental Perspective:

For parents grappling with a teenager's resistance to additional training, it's crucial to remember that you can guide but not force. Every athlete has their own journey and level of commitment. Understand that some may not be as passionate about their sport as others, and that’s OK!



Motivating teen athletes to work towards their goals outside of practice requires a strategic blend of goal-setting, planning, and continuous support. By empowering young athletes with the skills to set and achieve meaningful goals, we not only enhance their athletic performance but also foster valuable life skills. Remember, success is a journey, and each step forward, no matter how small, is a victory worth celebrating. Keep motivating, and the results will follow!


Have a question specific to your teen athlete’s experience that you’d like answered? Email Danielle at [email protected]



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