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The Mental Performance Corner: The Importance of Post Season Review

Summer is officially here. Looking back on this past season, what are some things you wished you’d done differently? What are some things you hope to do better next season? Be more confident when you have possession? Take more risks? Be more consistent? Improve your focus? Make quicker decisions? Move past mistakes quicker?


The SUMMER is a great time to practice self-reflection and self-awareness. Ideally, (and what I teach in my program), athletes have reflected after each game and tournament as the season went on, so they’re able to look back over their notes and summarize not only the areas they’d like to improve upon but also the areas they have grown and been successful the year before - an important skill for not only sport but life in general.


Once they have reflected on the season's performance, they can create a list of short term goals to work towards for the upcoming season, with their long term goals in mind. They can also look at where they were successful, reflect on the work they put in to make that happen, and continue to use that as part of their training routine. 


It’s so important for athletes to make sure they are evaluating themselves appropriately so they can grow, improve, and continue to build on that throughout the off-season and into the next.


As I've said many times before, self-awareness and self-reflection are the two foundations of mental toughness. The end-of-season review makes up only a small part of these “mental muscles.” The truth is, they help athletes in ALL areas of their lives. Their sporting career ultimately is just a small part of that. I spend a lot of time teaching and coaching my athletes on building these mental muscles in my program. Muscles that will assist them throughout all the phases of their lives, sport, and beyond. 


If you’d like more info on what my program entails, and how it will benefit your athlete, please reach out! The summer is a GREAT time to focus on the mental performance part of their game to get them ready for tryouts, as well as next season.


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