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The Mental Performance Corner: The World is on Lockdown… What Do I Do??

With everything that is going on in the world right now, things are, well… a little challenging. I know that there is most likely a lot of stress and anxiety swirling around about not being able to get on the ice, field, court, etc. Anxiety for the athletes for sure, but also for parents (and even us coaches!). I thought I would make this months' newsletter about how to deal with this unexpected new world we are temporarily living in.


First off, acknowledge that this new situation is less than ideal (read: sucky - and yes, that’s a technical term). Because it is and it’s ok to be upset. After you’ve acknowledged the crappy part of this situation you have two choices: you can continue to sit in that negative emotion and let it control you, or you can alter your mindset and your attitude, refocus, and move forward. The key here is it IS a choice. Here are some tools that will help you move forward and power through this lockdown like a champ:



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The Mental Performance Corner: 10 Weeks of Lockdown - How to Stay Motivated:

I know right now it’s probably been really hard to get motivated to do anything (workouts, school, work, literally anything besides sitting on the couch and watching Netflix.. and even that’s hard sometimes!). We are ten weeks into this shelter in place - or eleven? Who knows anymore?? Finding the motivation to get outside and train was a lot easier at the beginning when we thought this would last only a couple of weeks… Now we have been locked in our homes, away from the playing field, gym, school, and friends for almost three months and that old schedule we created weeks ago is now feeling tired and redundant (helpful hint: rearrange your routine or schedule a little bit - keep all of the same items but put them in different orders if you can. This will help keep things fresh and feel like you are doing something new). The idea of sitting on the couch watching Netflix all day is slowly taking over… but you know you NEED to keep training because you want...

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