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Nurturing the Coach (and Parent!): Strategies to Combat Burnout and Recharge

Coaching is an exhilarating yet demanding role, requiring passion, dedication, and an unwavering commitment to helping athletes succeed both on and off the playing surface. However, amidst the whirlwind of competitions, practices, and the constant drive for improvement, coaches often find themselves teetering on the edge of burnout. Recognizing and addressing this challenge is crucial not only for the coach's well-being but also for maintaining a high level of performance and impact in their role, and the example they set for their athletes.


As a mental skills coach specializing in empowering athletes and coaches alike, I recently received a question in my FB group addressing burnout among coaches. It's a prevalent issue that deserves attention, which is why I want to delve deeper into strategies to combat burnout and recharge effectively. I feel this also 100% applies to parenting as well, so if you are reading this and you are not a coach but a parent, know that these...

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Mental Skills in Action: How [the same] Athlete Mental Skills Transformed MY Preparation

As a coach and mentor to athletes, I firmly believe in practicing what I preach. Whether it's gearing up for a national training camp or facing a new challenge like speaking on a panel at a Women in Sports Event, the skills I teach my athletes have become invaluable tools in navigating life's twists and turns.


Last summer, I stood before a crowd of 250 athletes and peers at the USA Hockey National Development Training Camp, setting the stage for my journey in leveraging mindset and mental skills training not just for sports but for life. The recent invitation to join the Women in Sports Event hosted by the NHL’s Anaheim Ducks as a panel member was both an honor and a test of these very skills.


The initial rush of excitement at saying yes was quickly followed by the familiar stirrings of doubt and anxiety. Public speaking has always been a challenge for me, and the thought of facing a large audience stirred up old fears. Yet, because I've cultivated my "mental...

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Recruit-Ready Secrets: What to Train to Get Noticed (Hint: It's Not Just More Practice!)

If you're solely concentrating on the physical aspect of your athletic performance, you might be neglecting a wealth of untapped opportunities. Ready to take your game to the next level? Prepare to explore a realm of hidden potential often overlooked by many athletes – the power of mindset.


While physical training is undeniably crucial, honing your mental game can be the key to reaching new heights in your athletic performance. It's about more than just muscle memory or perfecting techniques; it's about cultivating the right mindset to excel under pressure and overcome obstacles, setting you apart from athletes who possess similar physical skills and capabilities. Here's how you can start:


Regulating Emotions


Emotions are a powerful force in sports, capable of both driving performance and hindering it. Learning to regulate emotions such as excitement, frustration, or anxiety is crucial for maintaining focus and composure during critical moments. This...

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Navigating Challenges with Coaches: A Mindset Coach's Perspective

As an Athlete Mindset Coach, I understand the importance of not only physical training but also mental resilience in the world of sports. Athletes encounter a myriad of challenges, one of the most significant being their relationship with their coaches. In this blog post, I'll share strategies that athletes can implement to navigate these challenges effectively, while also recognizing the humanity of coaches.


Diaphragmatic Breathing with Focal Points


When faced with a difficult interaction with a coach, athletes can benefit from practicing diaphragmatic breathing. This technique involves taking deep breaths, focusing on filling the belly with air, and exhaling slowly. By engaging in diaphragmatic breathing, athletes can calm their nervous system, reduce stress, and regain focus. Pairing this with focal points, such as visualizing a successful performance or recalling a motivating mantra, can further enhance its effectiveness. By centering their attention on positive...

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Navigating Change: Embracing New Challenges with Coach Departure

Change is inevitable in life, but it doesn't always come easy. For athletes, especially those who have developed a strong bond with their coach, bidding farewell can stir up a whirlwind of emotions. When faced with the news of their coach's departure, one athlete of mine expressed a mix of readiness for new challenges, yet nervousness about the unknown.


As I crafted my response to this email, I reflected on the common experience many athletes undergo when facing similar situations (my younger self included). In light of this, I decided to extend my guidance to anyone seeking support in this area. It's essential to acknowledge the depth of these emotions rather than brushing them aside hastily. Transition periods like these are an opportunity for personal growth and introspection.


Acknowledging Emotions


The first step in navigating this change is to recognize and validate your feelings. Losing a coach whom you've developed a close relationship with can bring...

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Parent's Playbook: Building Confident Teen Athletes through Self-Acceptance

"Why Self-Acceptance is a Game-Changer." In a world where confidence is key, we're shining a light on the power of embracing yourself as a teen athlete.

We often hear about building confidence in sports, but what about self-acceptance? With social media showcasing everyone's highlight reels, the pressure for our young athletes to measure up is real.

So, how can you help your teen embrace self-acceptance, especially when the going gets tough? It's about flipping the script from negativity to admiration and motivation. Giving a compliment feels way better than judging, right?

Picture this: instead of your teen feeling down about not having a killer slap shot like another athlete, encourage them to say, "Wow, she's got an awesome slap shot. I want mine to look that cool." Instead of comparing, use that admiration as fuel to make a plan and get better.

When jealousy or self-doubt sneak in, encourage your teen to ask themselves: What's behind the jealousy? What can I learn from that...

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Motivating Teen Athletes: Tips for Achieving Goals Outside of Practice

Today, we'll delve into a topic that resonates with many parents and coaches – motivating teen athletes to actively pursue their goals outside of regular practice. This insightful discussion stems from a concerned parent's email, highlighting the challenges they face with their fourteen-year-old daughter's reluctance to invest additional time in honing her skills. Let's explore effective tips and strategies to inspire young athletes to go beyond merely setting goals and truly work towards achieving them.


Setting Meaningful Goals:

The first hurdle many athletes encounter is not the goal-setting itself but the lack of a clear plan to achieve those goals. To address this, it's crucial to guide teens in setting specific, measurable, and achievable goals. Here are some general guidelines:


  1.   Identify Specific Goals: Encourage athletes to pinpoint precisely what they want to achieve. The more specific the goal, the easier it becomes to create a plan.


  1. ...
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Navigating Adversity: Lessons Learned as an Injured Freshman Athlete

Stepping into my freshman year filled with enthusiasm for hockey, I encountered an unexpected hurdle – an injury that left doctors puzzled, leaving me in the dark about my return to the ice.


Those initial months were tough. I couldn’t practice, hit the gym, or engage in pre-season work. Being away from home for the first time intensified my homesickness, making the academic transition even harder.


Hockey had always been my sanctuary, my escape. But during this challenging phase, it felt like an inaccessible haven precisely when I needed it most. Yet, amidst the struggle, I gained invaluable insights:


  1. Discovering a Deeper Purpose: I realized that surface-level motivations like enjoying time with friends weren’t enough to sustain me through adversity. As challenges mounted, I grappled with the temptation to head back home. However, my unwavering love for the sport anchored me. It taught me that a profound passion is crucial to persevere through...
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**Setting Yourself Up for Success in the New Year: A Comprehensive Guide**

Welcome to a new year, a fresh canvas awaiting your imprint! As we embrace the potential and possibilities of the upcoming months, it's crucial to start this journey with intention, self-awareness, and a robust plan for growth. Let's delve into a comprehensive guide on how to kickstart the year with strength and purpose.


Part 1: Start with Self-Reflection


Self-reflection serves as the cornerstone of growth. Take a moment to review the past year. Celebrate your wins, both big and small. Acknowledge your accomplishments, praise yourself, and identify the actions or habits that led to these victories. Make note of how you can replicate these successes in the new year.


Equally important is to confront your failures and setbacks without emotional bias. Embrace them as opportunities for growth. Analyze what you've learned, how you've evolved, and consider how these lessons can propel you forward. Adopting a growth mindset, both in sports and life, involves learning...

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Student Athlete Gift Guide


Holiday Gift Giving Guide for Athletes (and Parents!):

Shopping for others can be hard. And with endless amounts of content right in front of us at all times and trends constantly changing, shopping for teens and pre-teens can get overwhelming very quickly… So, I thought I’d help (and throw more content at you LOL )! But seriously, I also know first hand how valuable it is to get advice and suggestions from people I know, like, and trust (which is actually how this idea came about!). Hopefully I am all of those things to you and you find this useful. If not, no offense taken! 


As a preface, athletes are fully engaged in their sport all year round these days (except for my athletes who take breaks in the summer!), so for the holidays it is nice to acknowledge the other parts of them that make them, them. And it wouldn’t be an email from me if I didn’t also mention the importance of doing other things and nurturing other parts of themselves...

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